
Showing posts with the label wellness

This is why Men don't talk. A simple way to explain us.

How often do you hear someone say "he never talks to me", "he never tells me....",  or "I wish he opened up", etc.?  Probably, more frequently than you here the opposite, "she never talks about....".  As a man, I can have great conversations, well except when discussing football or rugby, then I am useless. However, I do, or more appropriately, I should say I used to have that age old problem, of withholding my deepest thoughts, considerations, concerns, worries, and emotions.  Not an unfamiliar story, as I am sure there are many who can relate. So why is that, and is it helpful, is it protective, and why, to broadly generalise, is it a trait more frequently adopted by men. Some would say this lack of willingness to share, is a protective attribute that stems back to Neolithic man.  An intrinsic desire, or need to protect the more vulnerable, to spare them the concerns, worries, or fears of the reality, and the dangers of life outside the cave. 

The Why me? question. Will make you think. mind body and soul. part 1

How often do we have those "Why?" days? So many of us experience them; those days we question everything, and inevitably it is always from a negative perspective. "Why did this happen to me", "why is it always me that...", "how come that never happens to/for me", "it is always my..... is it never their/them…..", "why always my family...", and many more that I am sure we have either used or heard.  Isn't it interesting that our default mode is in the negative, rather than the positive.. I have never heard anyone complain, that their family is always the one that succeeds, or they are always the one to get the promotion, or even they wish they had less.. etc..  Even those who have more than many of us will ever have, such as, Sam Smith; who has fame, fortune, big house with grounds, a pool etc.. He still complained during #lockdown . It is almost as we always want more, or better, or greater etc..  However, I wonder if Tru