The amazing brush strokes will make you look again at life!

I find it amazing, in fact fascinating how many people look at the fine details of every circumstance.  Art critics will analyse, study, debate, critique the minute details of artworks, sometimes surmising what the artist intended, wanted to portray, how they wanted us to feel etc.  However, for the "uneducated" like myself I just look at the picture, sculpture etc and think... In other words I look at the completed picture and consider what is it and do I like it?
Maybe some would call me a Philistine, but to be honest I like to look at the bigger picture.  I know some people who, were they to be given a jigsaw would spend hours examining each piece, probably complaining that they can not see what it is, or what relevance it may have. Certainly, the central pieces they may even go as far as to say, these are useless, all misshapen no straight edges to conform with the other pieces etc.. however, when they loose sight of that one central piece the bigger picture will never be complete. It is far from being a wholistic representation of the real thing, the original scene so to speak.
There are many in society today, particularly amongst the media, political realms, local authorities, wealthy, and poor who do not see the complete picture, they chose to examine their individual piece of the jigsaw of life.  Now that could open up a large scoping psycho-social-spiritual debate on the individual's perspectives of their purpose, meaning and role in life.  Maybe we will look at that again.  However, for now I want to discuss/reflect on the individuals who choose to be so critical, as I alluded to in reference to the art critic, but rather that was an analogy of some peoples perspective on life, society and politics etc.   They are so busy analysing the individual brush strokes, which way it was applied to the canvas, how it interacted with the colours and strokes adjacent, yet still failing to see the whole piece.
During this current pandemic, certain individuals are like the critic who looks at every action, motion and interaction that they can't or will not see the bigger picture.  #lockdown has brought about massive ecological changes in such a short period of time, just see the pictures of Venice, the satellite images of China's smog etc.. Also, the effects on our communities, the selfishness of our society as a whole.  Only today I as reading about the people throwing away vast quantities of food stuff, after "panic buying" and yet organisations like the Trussell Trust are struggling meet demand amongst their food banks.  A lot of people love to blame Boris for this and that, but I ask, what did the complainants do to support him, offer advice, wave their magic wands, or lend the use of their crystal balls?! 
No one person is perfect, no one leader can have all the knowledge, experience or wisdom to act in a perfect way.  And in reality, would it have made a difference, would things have been for the better, could the economy have coped if we had #lockdown sooner.  What would earlier testing of front line staff achieved before they had recruited the additional staffing from amongst the retired and volunteers. Who knows, if we are honest!  Criticism of passed actions, decisions and choices are not constructive, but reflecting, learning from, careful consideration, building upon, preparation and taking actions, will be constructive, not only for the nation, communities for also for ourselves as individuals.
Why should I be an art critic of life, why do I want to spend so much time on piece of the jigsaw?  To be honest, I do not anymore.  Maybe in all this I/we need to be a more positive futuristic thinking people, rather than a retro analytical critical negative historian.  I want to learn from my history, my past and all that it includes, good or bad, and rebuild myself, take actions to help my development as a person the futures of my family, community and nation.


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