When does the sun shine? light in the darkness.

There are times in our lives when the sun shines in the sky yet we feel as though we are in the darkness, or is that just me?.  Probably not!  Just look at the World today and there only seems to be darkness.  Countries testing weapons of mass destruction, famines, children living on streets, families fighting in civil wars, and there is #Covid-19.
Yet amid these darkened events, where as individuals we feel hopeless and question ourselves, our role, purpose or significance not only in this World but also in our own communities.  However,  we matter, we have a purpose, You and I can make the sun shine.
Only the other day I was watching a documentary a tour of Cuba and Haiti.  In Haiti many people live in a beautiful island, with magnificent natural surroundings, Yet since the earthquake they live in poverty, having to buy water daily, with what little they have,  just to survive. Many of the young children/youth live on the streets, not in cardboard boxes, tents, or sleeping bags, but on the cold stone streets.  They have no hope, no food, water or love.
That is until a small local organisation called Sakala, comes along.  The presenter of the show talks about the look of loss, hopelessness and emptiness in the 3 teenage boys eyes with whom she was talking.  They were then introduced to this day centre in the roughest part of Cite Soleil (city of the sun), and behind the secure gates of this day centre, the few Sakala staff gave them food and allowed them to play basketball.  They were once again allowed to be children and play. The change in these 3 young boys' expressions and eyes was almost tangible through the television screen.
Amidst their darkness in the Cite Sole, these boys found happiness, value and love, just because someone cares.  What can I/We do in our own 'Cite Soleil' to make someone near us, smile feel as though they matter. Do I know my neighbours telephone number, whilst they are isolated, and has no one to talk to etc.  Do we care?
Can I be the sunshine for someone today?
When does the sun shine?!: The light in the darkness.


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