Is Social Isolation a prolonged interval in lock down, or something pre-existing in society?

Interestingly in this time of #selfisolation, #lockdown etc..  many people are sharing their thoughts on being socially isolated, locked indoors away from general society.  Many are talking about how it affects their mental health, their social life, their activity state, their boredom levels, even what they miss enough that it willbe the first thing they do/see/eat when "free".
But I ask, what is the fuss all about? Seriously!  After all, prior to this #lockdown my late father-in-law, and my wife (his primary carer) both experienced all the same symptoms of social and self isolation. Yes, this is it not a new phenomena. For many years this has effected many elderly, frail, those with disabilities, those with mental health issues, and those who chose to care for them.   My father-in-law was unable to leave the house, his psychological state was such that he could not use social media, the telephone, and physically could not even use the written word.  Most if not all of this friends had died or moved away.  My wife chose the #selfisolation route to give up work and care for him with my help, when I was home in the evenings and weekends.
Admittedly, my wife could leave the house in the evenings if she really wanted to, but through care, concern and a loving sense of duty she rarely did go out. Unable to leave during the day, she had little contact with the outside world, friends didn't visit after a while and even contact via sms and facebook dwindled.  It was almost as this were a refection on current societal trends of, "out of sight out of mind".  Remove the homeless off the street and they suddenly don't exist, because we don't see them. I probably would go as far as to say that social isolation is the reflection of a growing egocentrical and even narcissistic move within western society.  Here in the UK it is so evident that charities like @age_uk @MindCharity have been campaigning for years to support the most vulnerable in society.  Can we take the "self" out of "self isolation" and reconnect with families and communities.
I just hope that as we make new efforts to connect socially, that we Do Not Forget those who don't Insta, Tweet, Facetime etc. the power of the voice is greater than you know.  Call someone, yes use the #telephone and #talktosomeone.


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